8 Ways Hard Water is Costing You Money

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8 Ways Hard Water is Costing You Money

Hard water is a nuisance for a variety of reasons. In your shower it results in dry skin and brittle hair, 用水龙头接硬水意味着你要不断地与水渍作斗争. 但是,拥有硬水最糟糕的部分是,它会在幕后造成重大的、代价高昂的破坏.

The Problem with Hard Water

As your water makes the journey to your home, traveling through soil and rocks en route to your water supply, it picks up various minerals. 你的水中的矿物质含量会有所不同,这取决于你需要跋涉的路程. In some regions, minerals like magnesium and calcium plague the water supply, resulting in hard water that will wreak havoc on everything it touches.

当这些矿物质积累形成水垢时,随着时间的推移,问题就出现了. 众所周知,水垢很难从淋浴砖、玻璃和水装置上清除. While this is a problem visually, 真正的问题是,当水垢在管道和电器中积聚时,在幕后发生了什么, 导致水压降低,系统运行效率降低. Throughout your home’s hidden systems, 它会破坏你的电器的机械元件,并在你的管道中钙化.

硬水的疯狂之处在于,你可能不会意识到它造成的损害,直到你手头有一个大问题,一大笔维修费用让你措手不到. 好消息是,你可以很容易地解决硬水问题,通过安装一个 water softener and filter system in your home. And while it can feel like an overwhelming expense, 从长远来看,它可以为你节省大量的钱. 当你开始了解硬水的真正成本时,你会发现安装一个 whole house water conditioner is ultimately a money-saving investment.

The Cost of Hard Water

There are many ways that hard water will cost you money, 从购买更多肥皂这样的小事到清理堵塞的管道这样的大事. 许多隐性成本加起来可能会导致大量的金钱来弥补一个软水器本可以避免的问题.

1. Soap

硬水中的矿物质实际上会对肥皂起作用,使其效果降低. 如果你有硬水,你会注意到你需要更多的肥皂来让它变成泡沫. 虽然你的肥皂仍然有效,但你需要更多的肥皂来完成同样的事情.

2. Cleaning Products

Similarly, 你的家用清洁产品需要更努力地抵消水中的矿物质含量. In addition, 你需要特殊的清洁产品,这种产品的强度要足以分解水槽和淋浴间积聚的水垢.

3. Clothes

Your clothes go through a wash cycle after every wear. Over time, hard water is really tough on fabric, 在你的衣服上留下矿物质沉积物,使它们看起来很旧,穿得很旧.

4. Dishes

Your dishes are used and washed daily. And if you live in an area with hard water, 你可能已经习惯了在一个洗涤周期后看到硬水斑点. 虽然这些斑点一开始看起来很烦人,但实际上这是一个大问题. Over time, hard water can etch the surface of your dishes, making them look dull and permanently damaging the finish.

5. Pipes

Limescale in your pipes can become nearly impossible to get rid of. 随着矿物质的积累,它们会使水管变小,从而降低水压. 你的管道需要清洗,在极端情况下,甚至可能需要更换.

6. Fixtures

Limescale also builds up on your bathroom fixtures. Sink faucets, showerheads, and glass shower surrounds can suffer. It can be very hard to clean. While cleaning external water spots and limescale buildup is possible, internal clogs often mean your fixtures must be replaced entirely.

7. Appliances

Any appliance that uses water can be the victim of hard water. 冰箱、洗碗机、洗衣机和制冰机都需要用水. 含有大量矿物质的水会造成损坏并缩短这些电器的使用寿命. Not only can the water clog the internal plumbing, but it can also build up on the mechanical elements, causing them to break. 更换电器是一个昂贵又不方便的问题,你可以用水软化系统来避免.

8. Utilities

除了在你家周围造成破坏外,你还可能会看到公用事业成本的增加. As your home’s mechanical systems become less efficient due to limescale, they are forced to work harder to keep up with the increased demand. Water heaters, washing machines, 而效率降低的洗碗机会增加你的公用事业成本. 现在一个月只花几块钱,经过几年或几十年积累起来就会变成一笔可观的钱.

任何与硬水生活在一起的人都知道它会对接触到的所有东西造成潜在的破坏. Fortunately, this frustrating and expensive problem has a simple solution. 专业人员可以上门,轻松安装整个家庭的水软化和过滤系统. The next day, you will get to enjoy all of the benefits of perfect water. 它既快捷又简单,多年来可以为你节省数百甚至数千美元.